messier object

not a sermon,

And what of the immortal soul in such transactions? Can this machine transmit and reattach it as well? Or is it lost forever, leaving a soulless body to wander the world in despair?

Sister Miriam Godwinson
“We Must Dissent”

from Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, 1998

So, is there actually any good science fiction that deals with this topic?  This has been on my mind a lot lately – you never, ever see depictions of teleportation as unnatural or objectionable from anyone.  But why?  And does anybody know some decent SF about the soul in the future?

Review of the completely dogshit premiere of Defying Gravity coming tomorrow, I’ve been all busy as a thing that’s pretty busy today and I didn’t get a chance to catch it the night it aired – I saw part of it the next day on ABC’s equally dogshit media player (click-through ads? come on!) and, wow, it was worse than I’d even expected.